Have you ever had a client request a :30, and then delivered a :30 plus THREE :15's? Well, it makes them really happy.
All it takes is keeping the shoot on schedule, while having enough foresight to get every angle, close up, and wide shot you've ever hoped for, and a whole lot of trust from the director, producer, and everyone else breathing nearby.
No biggie.
They say that in every relationship there is one person who simply *cannot* be bothered to close the cabinet doors in the kitchen.... but with cabinets this pretty, who can blame me... I mean them... I mean whichever person in that fictional relationship we are talking about here.
The Diamond audience is a middle-of-the-road, busy family, that needs function but without compromising on aesthetics. These short videos primarily lived on social but were formatted for everything from vert stories, to square in-feed posts, to dtv.
"The Best Work You May Never See." -Shoot Magazine
Charlie Uniform Tango and Liberal Media Films joined together and hosted a contest called Flex Your Specs. They called for creatives to submit their best commercial spec scripts. After receiving almost 300 submissions, they put together a panel of creative big wigs to anonymously read and judge scripts. They narrowed it down to 5 winning spots, which were then produced by CUT, LMF, and the ad creatives (like me!). This is one of the five winning spots! An extra bonus - all 5 spots were sent to SHOOT Magazine. They chose to highlight this spot, with an article about the competition.
What do super heroes and Cane's sauce have in common?
They are both full of secrets. And have powers, probably.
This campaign primarily lived on Facebook and Instagram. When I entered they picture, “Fire Pit Rules” has been sold in, without any concept or idea of tone. Canadian Mist was going through an identity crisis, so I was integral in helping decide tone (jester and everyman).
With a small team, I concepted the video content, built out the shot list, art directed the shoot (during a ice storm!), helped with edits, and planned the social calendar and strategy. In the end, we produced 15 videos, 8 instagram stories, plenty of still photography, and 6 additional short animations. There were a lot of moving parts, and a lot to keep organized.
Helping run Molly Malone’s social was a good time… even during a pandemic. We were able to spend a day shooting in-restaurant, and ran their social for a few months. The client saw a lot of value in staying top-of-mind for consumers, during a weird & difficult time. Freelancing with Friends is definitely the best freelancing to be done!
Coming hot off of Channel's rebrand, we launched a harvest social campaign that was purposefully brighter and lighter than the typical Channel content. The graphics were bold and the messages were simple. Where this content really shined was that the actions asked of the viewers were native to the platforms, and built-in to the content.
Harvest is a very busy, very stressful time for Channel's core demographic. It is also a very important time for seed brands to stay top of mind since they are making next year's purchasing decisions in tandeum.
The style of this content ensured we'd stay in our audience's feed, without adding to the burden of the season.
Early in my career I feel in love with art directing photoshoots. My eye for detail, knack for organization, and love for staying on time all...idk... make me good at this? Can I say that?
Plus, I keep it light and breezy on set, even when times are tough and the kitchen is hot.
Once Canadian Mist rebranded, all of their photography, social content, and assets were immediately out of date. The new look for Mist included 3 flat stripes - red, navy, and gold (always in that order) - renderings of the bottles, a script font, and nothing else… no tone, no concept, no nothing.
While this could’ve lead to a very mundane and boring social calendar, I’ve had the joy of dusting off my animation/After Effects chops, and making something from very little. The only goals with Mist social are (1) to show product, (2) to mostly live within the limited color pallete, and (3) to build brand cohesion and recognition.
This project reminds me so much of being in college (at SCAD - go bees!) and having a professor say, “Bring in 300 unique sketches next week, with just 3 colors. Good luck!”
Each national KFC kit consists of print, window posters, drive through toppers, lto menu panels, yard signs, speaker box signage, counter mats, counter units, counter cards, extremely tall pieces, and extremely small pieces... just to name a few of the elements.
To your right (also my right) you'll see a handful of the campaigns I worked on with W+K & other partner agencies. This is just a small sample of the work I've done for this iconic – and very consistent – brand.
Also, have you eaten there lately? YUM!
2014 Holiday TV, using footage from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation... but, you know, without the rights to any of the most famous actors, or the ability to use any of the disgusting scenes (of which there are many in this movie).
Would I call eating Tex-Mex my number 1 hobby?
Yes, yes I would.
Designing work for a Tex-Mex chain is a close second.
This campaign used in-store pieces, traditional media and social media to hustle Raising Cane's tea and lemonade.
In-store elements & e-blasts drove customers to Facebook. Raising Cane's Facebook was flooded with promo-specific content, including these sweet-ass videos that encourage customers to vote for either sweet tea or lemonade. The winner of the vote, was the winner of the Thirsty Throwdown. During this promo, Cane's saw a considerable raise in engagement on social media... and we gave out coupons so many people's thirst was quenched in-store.
Spoiler Alert: Sweet Tea won.
See what we did there?
Also, if you must know, this is my kind of camping.
Carry The Load is a non-profit organization whose sole mission to restore the meaning of Memorial Day. Contrary to popular belief, this 3-day holiday weekend was not established to solely kick-off summer.
This project was created for Heroes on the Water, a non-profit organization who works with veterans that suffer from both physical and emotional wounds.